It’s time for everyone’s favorite 5-letter word: audit. In this case, a digital marketing audit. This shouldn’t be a scary process for you and it doesn’t have to be a full-on thorough review of everything you’ve ever posted, but it should become a routine function of your digital marketing activity.
Reasons you might want to perform a digital marketing audit:
- You can’t remember the last time you checked your accounts or website
- You noticed a critical link was broken on one online platform (better check the rest)
- You’ve noticed, or sense, your posts aren’t performing as well as they used to
- You’re not hitting goals: sales, website traffic, social followers, email open rate, etc.
- You’ve recently moved or rebranded
- You need to grow your online presence
At minimum, this audit should include a check on your website, social accounts, Google My Business listing (and other listings on significant referring sites) and your email marketing system to make sure all your critical info is up to date and linked properly.
Next, spend some time looking into your digital marketing assets based on the ones you spend the most time managing. Did you spend more time managing your website or your Facebook account? Did you send more email campaigns than pay per click advertising campaigns? From where did the majority of your web traffic come (online search, referral from social, e-news link, etc.) Answering these questions can help you determine where to focus your audit, although it doesn’t mean you can completely ignore the others.
Next, look into how your content performed on all the platforms you use to see if you can find any patterns or tendencies amongst your highest performing content – and your lowest performing content. You may find things like your social content with original photos performed better than posts with a stock photo or no photo. Maybe you find that email campaigns sent in the morning had a higher open rate than those sent in the afternoon. Or you might even determine that a specific social channel isn’t really worth the time you spend maintaining it.
You can spend as much time as you feel necessary drilling down on these topics, but your basic goals should be:
- Make sure all of your information, cover photos, and links are current and correct.
- Prioritize where you spend time promoting your business online.
- Determine what type of content performs best.
Whatever your conclusion, NOW is the time to take action. If the task at hand is too big or you’re not sure where to start, OSO Digital is here to help. Fill out the form below and we’ll provide a free basic audit* of your website, social channels and Google my Business listing.
Digital Marketing Audit
*FREE Basic Audit includes check of website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and your Google My Business listing for the following:
- Accurate logos, profile pictures and cover pictures
- Accurate links from website to social accounts
- Accurate links from social accounts to website
- Accurate information listed on Google Business listing (logo, address, hours, phone number, etc.)

We’d love the opportunity to share a conversation with you about your goals online. Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch!